Module Online v.1.0
Module Online v.1.0
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: 8.X - 9.X
Description: The module adds a block to the site with the number of users who are on the site, dividing them into registered and unregistered, also displays a list of logged users.
* Low load - do not use a table in a database to store data about users.
* All load module is - 1 + 1 query request every 10 minutes esoi site is logged on users.
* Speed (will be observed on vysokoposeschaemyh resources - 10-11 KPolzovateley) is much higher than that of counterparts - for comparison, tests were run, the result of which: Almost all analogues require 17 ms. to 40-50 ms! DT_Online is required for 5-6 ms.
* The module is 100% templatized "
* It is possible to easily change the colors of nicknames for the teams.
* Fast installation.
How To Install:
1. Upload all the files to your server
2. Open main.tpl and add this code where you want:
{include file="engine/modules/dt_online.php"}
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